Killer Asteroids: The Next Extinction Event?

20190514_rtb_chChris Herd

Killer Asteroids: The Next Extinction Event?

Tue, 14 May 2019
5:30 PM Doors Open
6:00-7:00 PM Speaker + Q&A
Accent Lounge
8223 104 St. Edmonton (View on map)


We live on a planet in a Solar System that has lots of loose rock still in orbit around the Sun. Earth history is full of extinction events, some of which are linked to impacts of asteroids. Today, there are many asteroids in orbits that are a possible threat to life on Earth. How likely is it that the next great extinction event would be caused by asteroid impact? Is there anything we could do to prevent it? What are asteroids made of, anyway? Chris Herd address these and other questions related to the survival of our species in the context of a “shooting gallery” Solar System.

Dr. Christopher (Chris) Herd is a geologist who studies the planets and moons of the Solar System as understood mainly through meteorites. He is the curator of the University of Alberta Meteorite Collection, the largest University-based meteorite collection in Canada, and an internationally-recognized expert in the best methods for curation and handling of pristine planetary samples under cold conditions in the world’s only cold meteorite curation facility.

Raise The Bar is a program designed by The Friends of the University of Alberta Society to provide interesting, engaging learning opportunities that break down real or perceived barriers to education and connect the University and its faculty to the broader community. We’re raising the bar on the way people consume content.

What is Wrong with the Oilers ?!?!?

Marvin Washington

What is Wrong with the Oilers ?!?!?
Thoughts from an Organizations and Management Scholar

Tue, 23 Apr 2019
5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Accent Lounge
8223 104 St. Edmonton


The Oilers did not make the playoffs for the 12th time in 13 years. While they haven’t had the on ice success that we all want, it’s not from lack of trying. They have drafted players, signed free agents, changed coaches as well as general managers.  So what is the issue?  While I am by no ways a hockey scholar, I do understand organizations, leadership, and strategy and I think insights from that perspective might offer some insights on what is happening with the Oilers and why success has been difficult.  As this is by no means a time to only pick at all the faults of the Oilers, I will end our time with some insights on what the Oilers can do to get back to the playoffs.

Marvin Washington is a full professor in the Alberta School of Business and Associate Dean of Executive Education (unit closed in 2020). Dr. Washington’s research, teaching, and consulting focus is on processes of organizational and institutional change. He is the author of three books on leadership and organizational change. His most recent book is on developing your personal mastery (Leading Self before Leading Others with Stephen Hacker at Business Expert Press).  Marvin has taught undergraduates, graduates, and executives during his 12 year tenure at the University.  Dr. Washington has worked with a variety of organizations such as, Enbridge, AIMCo, Blue Cross, YMCA, Parkland Fuels, Syncrude, and SportChek, many ministries and departments in the Country of Botswana, Government of Alberta and the City of Edmonton.

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Raise The Bar is a program designed by The Friends of the University of Alberta Society to provide interesting, engaging learning opportunities that break down real or perceived barriers to education and connect the University and its faculty to the broader community. We’re raising the bar on the way people consume content.

Artificial Intelligence – Fantasy & Reality

20180925_rtb_js circle 800pxJonathan Schaeffer

Artificial Intelligence – Fantasy & Reality

Artificial Intelligence. Is it Alexa and Siri? Or Hal-9000 and Robocop? Join the Friends of the University of Alberta for a pint or glass of wine, and find out more about the Fantasy & Reality of Artificial Intelligence from one of North America’s leading researchers in the field.

Jonathan Schaeffer is Professor of Computing Science at the University of Alberta and the Canada Research Chair in Artificial Intelligence. He led the team that wrote Chinook, the world’s strongest checkers player. He is involved in the University of Alberta GAMES group developing computer poker systems. Schaeffer is also a member of the research group that created Polaris, a program designed to play the Texas Hold’em variant of poker. He is a Founder of Onlea, a nonprofit organization, which produces interactive online learning experiences such as Massive Open Online Courses.

Tue, 25 Sep 2018
5:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Accent Lounge
8223 104 St. Edmonton


Raise The Bar is a program designed by The Friends of the University of Alberta Society to provide interesting, engaging learning opportunities that break down real or perceived barriers to education and connect the University and its faculty to the broader community. We’re raising the bar on the way people consume content.

2018 Annual General Meeting

This year’s free standup reception with a mix and mingle style was well attended and a great opportunity to meet new friends and catch up with old friends.

A short Friends’ Annual General Meeting was conducted, with Kate presenting a year end review and Matthew presenting the Treasurer’s report.

The highlights of the past year include the $10,000 Graduate Student Award.

The election of the executive positions for 2018-19 was completed as follows: The Friends elect Kate Freeman as President, Luca Vanzella as Vice President, Matthew Sharp as Treasurer, Ken Regan as Secretary.

Thanks to our guest speaker Steven Penney,  for introducing us to the legal issues around digital devices and reasonable expectation of privacy.

The Friends look forward to bringing you more opportunities this summer and into the fall.