Who is responsible when you chat with an AI?

The Friends of the University of Alberta present Raise The Bar
with Dr. Geoffrey Rockwell

Who is responsible when you chat with an AI?

Artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT can hallucinate; so what happens when they are integrated into services? In this presentation, Dr. Geoffrey Rockwell will look at cases like the one where an Air Canada chatbot on their web site gave Jake Moffatt incorrect information about bereavement discounts. Dr.  Rockwell will use these cases to reflect on how ethical responsibility is changing as we develop sophisticated systems that are hard to predict.

Tue, 22 Oct 2024
5:00 PM Doors Open
6:00-7:30 PM Speaker + Q&A

Blue Chair
9624 – 76 Avenue NW Edmonton
View on map

Dr. Geoffrey Rockwell is a Professor of Philosophy and Digital Humanities at the University of Alberta, Canada. He is also a Fellow of the Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute. He received a B.A. in philosophy from Haverford College, an M.A. and Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Toronto. He has published and presented papers in the areas of artificial intelligence and ethics, philosophical dialogue, textual visualization and analysis, humanities computing, instructional technology, computer games and multimedia. He was the project leader for the CFI (Canada Foundation for Innovation) funded project TAPoR, a Text Analysis Portal for Research, which has developed a text tool discovery portal at tapor.ca. He has published a book Defining Dialogue: From Socrates to the Internet.

Raise The Bar is a program designed by The Friends of the University of Alberta to provide engaging learning opportunities delivered by U of A researchers in a causal setting – like a bar. We’re raising the bar on the way people consume content!